Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: TIFF 5.0 Facsimile Fields Facsimile fietas may be usefui AT uring TIFF to store facsimite messages in "raw" form. They recommended for uetn interchange wih desktop publishing applications Compression (a basic wg) TAP 259 (103) Typ SHORT Facsimile-compatible CCIT1 Group 3, exactly as specified in "Standardization of Group facsimile apparatus for document transmission, Recommendation T.4 Volume VII Fascicle Tenmina Equipmert and FrOIOcoLS Tex Telemavic Services The Intermational Telegraph Telephore Corsultative Committee {CCTTT} Geneva, 1985 pages 16 through Each strip must begin n byle boundary {But recall that an image can be a single s(rip.) Rows that re aqp ku tirst row of a strip are not required to begin on. byte boundary. The data is pos byles, nat words -byte -reversal is not allowed ...